Image credits: Baltimore Heritage, Travis Estell, Bruce Emmerling
THE latest from THE housing initiative at Penn |
Rent Debt and Tenant Vulnerability in Los AngelesOn February 1, 2024, the last of the City of Los Angeles’ COVID-19 renter protections will expire and up to 93,000 renters that may owe rent debt between October 2021 to January 2023 may be newly vulnerable to eviction.
Continuing Emergency Rental Assistance: How Jurisdictions Are Building on Treasury’s ERA ProgramWhat will become of the infrastructure that was established to administer Treasury ERA programs, and what resources will remain for households in need of emergency assistance?
EMERGENCY RENTAL ASSISTANCE OUTREACH: EVALUATING STRATEGIES TO REACH AND SUPPORT VULNERABLE TENANTS IN CALIFORNIAA network of more than 130 nonprofit organizations in California worked to conduct outreach to low-income tenants about pandemic rental assistance. What was their experience?
IN THE NEWS"Takeaways From One of the Largest Surveys of Philly Renters"
The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 22, 2022 "Equitable Cleveland Housing Reform - Time to Act" Cleveland Plain Dealer, January 9, 2022 "18 People, a Deadly Fire: For Some, Crowded Housing Is Not a Choice" The New York Times, January 8, 2022 "Federal Rental Assistance Is Running Out, With Tenants Still in Need" The New York Times, January 7, 2022 "How Landlords Thwart America's Attempts to House Poor People" The Economist, December 11, 2021 |